Rail Scale

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Rail Scale

The most modern production in Ukraine and Europe!

The USC wagon scale has been developed and tested by qualified weighing and construction specialists and is, in our opinion, the best solution currently available on the market

"We offer wagon scales for every task!
Own design department!"

We offer wagon scales for every task

Own design department

When designing railcar platforms, we apply the principles of ship and aircraft construction: distributing concentrated loads over a large area. When designing, we use 3D model analysis to eliminate load concentrators; We also perform cyclic loading modeling to ensure that loads are evenly distributed throughout the metal structure to avoid localized metal fatigue.

Scales for every condititions

With a variety of platform types and solutions, we can meet any railcar weighing needs at any facility.

Electronics and software

Our scales are equipped with electronics and load cells from the world's leading manufacturers. Our proprietary software guarantees accurate and uninterrupted weighing.

Types of weighing platforms


Lightweight platform

Loading capacity: 150 tons
Number of weighings per day - up to 20


Stable platform

Loading capacity: 150 tons
Number of weighings per day - up to 50


Concrete platform

Loading capacity: 300 tons
Number of weighings per day - up to 20

Our scales can weigh wagons both statically and dynamically


Static weighing

Weighing is carried out with the wagon standing on the scales, with or without uncoupling. It is the most accurate weighing that ensures commercial accounting of goods.


Dynamic weighing

The wagons are weighed during the journey and are used for billing when accepting and releasing products when the train passes the platform without uncoupling. This method is recommended for areas with high freight traffic.

  • R line dynamic

    Вагонні ваги УВК

    Dynamic scales - allow measuring the weight of wagons while driving. They are used as technological and/or commercial weighing systems.

    Load capacity:

    150 tons

    Track width:

    1,520m or 1,435m

    Rail type:

    P65 orP50


    PPG (USA)

    Platform dimensions:

    Number of weighing platforms:

  • Combined scales of the R line

    Вагонні ваги УВК

    Scales whose design provides the possibility of weighing any type of wagons and trucks with a total length of 18 m.

    Load capacity:

    150 tons

    Track width:

    1,520m or 1,435m

    Rail type:

    P65 or P50


    PPG (USA)

    Platform dimensions:


    Number of weighing platforms:

  • R line above the tipping pit

    Вагонні ваги УВК

    Scales above the loading pit - the design of the loading platforms allows the unhindered passage of bulk materials (grain, sand, pellets, etc.) for transfer to the company's transport mechanisms.

    Load capacity:

    150 tons

    Track width:

    1,520 m or 1,435 m

    Rail type:

    P65 or P50


    PPG (USA)

    Platform dimensions:

    Number of weighing platforms:

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Basics of wagon scales


Sleeper foundation

"Possibility of moving the weighing complex to another location, carrying out the work in the cold season.
Track closure time for the work is 3-5 days"


Prefabricated foundation

"Possibility of moving the weighing complex to another location, high durability of standard reinforced concrete elements and the entire foundation, as well as carrying out work in the cold season.
The closure time of the route for the work is 7-10 days"


Monolithic foundation

"Reliable and durable foundation, resistant to mechanical damage and heavy loads.
Duration of track closure for work - 40 days"


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